Zohaib Zaheer
Date of Birth: 7th September, 1983
Phone: 155 1328 1795, 186 5930 8661
Email: zohaibzaheer@hotmail.com
SKY: zohaib.zaheer5
QQ: 2412385661
2011-2013 | Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China | MS (Finance)
2002-2007 | Karachi University, Pakistan | M.A + B.COM (Economics)
l Dec 2014 – till date | School of Business, Wenzhou University, Zhejiang P.R China | Associate Professor
Teaching Finance, Investments, Economics and thesis supervision to bachelor degree students (Chinese and foreign students)
l Jan 2014 – Nov 2014 | AG Zurich Bank | Corporate Banker
Financial analysis of the corporate clients, preparation of credit proposal, renewal of the documents, assist Chinese clients in outward remittances, imports, opening of L/Cs, financing of L/Cs etc.
l May 2007–Aug 2011 | Live Securities ltd. | Equity Analyst
Carry out daily morning briefings. Develop comprehensive financial models and investment reports of listed companies mainly the fertilizer sector and prepare comprehensive reports. Meet the clients and conduct presentations on various trading system in the market. In addition, my stock review used to be published in one of the leading news paper (The Financial Daily) of Pakistan. Daily morning news briefing to the equity desk, develop daily review of the Stock market and weekly review comprising of stock comparisons and reasons, prepare research reports on selected listed companies and release statistics report on the fertilizer sector.
l Paper publication in ‘World Finance and Banking Symposium’ held in Shanghai Dec 2012 titled Pricing of Assets-Backed Dynamic Financial Products for Financing the Small and
Medium-Sized Enterprises in China
l Developed Investment Research Report on Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim ltd.
l Prepared monthly statistics review of fertilizer sector comprising of annual and monthly comparisons of various heads.
l Reports on Flooring of the KSE, The Sub Prime Crisis, Energy Conservation & Medical Industry Abuses
l Elected in the World Finance Conference held in Shanghai (Dec - 2012) and presented my paper ‘Pricing of Assets-Backed Financial Products for financing SMEs in P.R China (ISBN 989-20-3452).
Zohaib Zaheer(吴丁)
出生日期: 1983年9月
手机号: 155 1328 1795, 186 5930 8661
邮箱: zohaibzaheer@hotmail.com
SKY: zohaib.zaheer5
QQ: 2412385661
2011-2013 | 华中科技大学,中国 | 硕士(金融学)
2002-2007 | 卡拉奇大学,巴基斯坦 |硕士 + 本科(经济学)
l 2014. 01 – 2014. 11 | AG Zurich 银行| 企业银行
l 2007.05-2011.08 | Live 证券公司 |证券分析师
l 为Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim ltd. 公司开发财务投资报告模块
l 化肥行业每月数据统计综述,包括年度、月度各种统计数据比较
l 行业报告:KSE、次贷危机、节能与医疗行业
l 学校推荐参加2012年12月上海世界金融大会
l 发表论文《论为中小企业资产抵押金融产品定价》(ISBN 989-20-3452).
l 熟练使用各类办公软件
l 精通建立财务模型
l 良好的沟通技巧和团队合作精神
l 较强的抗压能力,按时完成工作
l 优秀的书面和口头表达能力(英语和乌尔都语)
l 良好的中文表达能力